Great Egret - CelestunGreen Heron - Marshland PerchReddish Egret - ReflectionGreater Flamingo - Blaze of ColourGreater Flamingo - Busy FishingGreater Flamingo - Duet of PinkGreater Flamingo - BrillianceGreater Flamingo - Blue ReflectionNeotropic Cormarant - Take OffBrown Pelican at Rio LagartosCommon Raccoon - Marshland ReflectionWood Stork - Take OffWood Stork - Tossing a MorselCrocodile - Lurking in the Green LagoonGreater Flamingo - Take OffGreater Flamingo - Twos CompanyGreater Flamingo - Heads UpGreater Flamingo - Head to HeadGreater Flamingo - Pay Attention Number 3Northern Waterthrush - Mangrove PerchCommon Racoon - Amongst the Mangroves